DC Harding

DC Harding

Your Voice, Heard First

My principal place of residence is in the Whanganui District area. I am also standing for Council.

Your voice wants to be represented at the table 100% of the time. Whether you’re a ratepayer in a property you occupy, or someone who contributes to rates in a rental property. In the past 15 years sitting across governance, management, and leadership for the private sector, charities, and non-government organisations, I’ve collected the diverse voices of stakeholders and created strategic direction to ensure the services I led were targeted, diverse and successful. The results included less turnover of staff, more funding for services to function well, meeting business targets, and creating environments where people flourish, be themselves and thrive. This included empowering a true Treaty of Waitangi partnership across all areas of the organisations. You deserve the best representation at the table and with my executive, management and leadership experience I will represent you every step of the way. Hold me accountable.