Glenda Brown

Glenda Brown


My principal place of residence is in the Whanganui District area.

Successful business is the backbone of local economy, which is why I’m Backing Business.

Past roles include being a member of BoT for 13 years for two local schools (four years as Chair) and business co-owner of a local building company for 20 years. Currently, a director of a national build & design company and Chair of the Whanganui Chamber of Commerce. Also, a Registered Accredited Business Mentor and a member of NZ Institute of Directors.

I am guided by my values: Living with integrity and within the accordance of my values; I am honest and keep my word; I aim for high standards, am reliable and focussed; I listen and value everyone equally; and I’m not afraid to take on a challenge.

Living in Whanganui is a treat, doing business in Whanganui is a privilege and to serve our community on the Whanganui Council would be an honour.