Michael Law

Michael Law


My principal place of residence is in the Whanganui District area.

With sixteen years in business development, in both the public and private sectors, my primary focus is on delivering business outcomes without adding additional costs. Recently, I have worked with leaders at the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.

I am a small business owner here in Whanganui with 14 passionate employees. I enjoy lending my skills and experience to Whanganui and Partners, and last year mentored the winner of Innovate Whanganui.

Whanganui East is where I call home with my wife and three children. I want to see Whanganui continue its trajectory. To INVEST in our future, we must GROW our businesses and to grow we must FIX issues that prohibit success.

With your help, I would like to represent you in council. I bring strategic effectiveness, objectivity and transparency.

Let’s achieve a greater Whanganui together, for my family and yours.