Phillip Reweti

Phillip Reweti (Bear)

My principal place of residence is in the Whanganui District area.

Tihei mauri ora!

This is my third time standing for Whanganui Council, to have a place around the council table to represent Mana Whenua.

We currently have no representation.

But those who know me, know I’m here to support everyone. I stand for giving all our people a voice.

You’ll see me around town campaigning against 3 Waters.

As a father of 9 and a Koro, I’m thinking of their future. Climate change and sea level rise are important concerns.

Our environment is important.

I’ve been involved in community projects and proactive in the area of workers rights and environmental protection, especially stopping seabed mining.

We need decent jobs that pay properly and a lot more decent housing:

Our Tamariki, Rangatahi and our Kaumatua also need to be looked after.

I will bring honesty and transparency with a grass roots perspective.

Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au.